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What is the workflow of the automatic dispensing machine?

At present, the development direction of automatic dispensing machine is mainly the automation and precision change of equipment. Automatic dispensing machine manufacturers want to achieve automation and high precision, we must first understand the working principle of the automatic dispensing machine. Only by understanding the working principle of the automatic dispensing machine can we rationally use the automatic dispensing machine. Improved automatic dispensing machine. Follow the automatic dispensing machine manufacturers to discuss how the dispensing machine is dispensed? What is the workflow of the dispensing machine?


The general automatic dispensing operation is divided into the following steps:

1. Send the compressed air to the syringe or plastic bottle. Before doing so, make sure the syringe or bottle is clean and uncontaminated. In daily dispensing operations, be careful not to mix different glues in one container. If there are mixing dispensing requirements, the hose should be cleaned in time after mixing. After using glue, keep the glue in a ventilated, dry and inaccessible place. Tighten the rubber cap to prevent colloid leakage. When there is a large amount of leakage, it can be cured with water and then scraped off.

2. Press the glue into the feed tube connected to the piston chamber. During the compression process, the compression range is. The specifications of the style. The requirements of the surface directly affect the quality of the press glue. Strictly control the relevant variables to ensure the quality of dispensing. In the glue pressing process, the glue is pressed into the pipe, briefly stay in the pipe, according to the requirements of the dispensing or point out. When the piston is at upstroke, the piston chamber will be filled with pre-added glue. When the piston pushes down on the drip needle, the glue is squeezed out of the needle nozzle.

3, in the glue process, there will often be inconsistent glue size or glue is not smooth phenomenon. At this point, four steps need to be checked and confirmed. The first is the proportion of glue. Many times, bad glue is caused by too much silk glue. Another thing to check is working pressure to keep it appropriate. Stable working pressure. The third thing to pay attention to is the patency of the pipe. Pay attention to whether the temperature of the matching device is normal. It should be noted that the amount of drip glue is determined by the distance of the piston flushing, which can be manually adjusted or programmed.

To achieve high precision and automatic dispensing, it must be based on the dispensing machine. Glue. Master the dispensing process. After mastering these elements, you can make the dispensing machine. Automatic instruments such as glue filling machines are popular in their wide range of applications.




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