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Automatic dispensing machine no longer causes and solutions

Motors are widely used in industrial industries, and automatic dispensing machines are no exception. The use of motor in the dispensing equipment can make the dispensing machine automatically return to the set state after starting up. If the motor does not recover after the dispensing machine is turned on, then there is a problem with the automatic dispensing machine, then how to deal with this problem? Let's take a look.


1, dispensing machine stop button problem

Solution: Check whether the rubber machine emergency stop button is pressed.

2, dispensing machine wiring problems

Solution: Open the chassis, check whether the hardware connection of the automatic dispensing machine is correct, confirm whether the driver is powered on, confirm the driver, emergency stop switch, jumper Settings are correct; Verify that all cables, such as serial cables, are correctly connected.

3, dispenser firmware or configuration file is incorrect

Solution: The dispenser's firmware upgrade may not be successful, or the profile update may not be successful. Re-upgrade firmware and configure mechanical parameters; Boot automatic reset is not set.




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